Renewable Energy Technologies and Energy Efficiency -team (RETEE)

RETEE –team’s research focuses on three main objectives, namely

  1. Hybrid renewable energy system building integration and overall system optimisation
  2. Smart measuring and control automation application development for home energy management (HEM) and home area network (HAN) integration. Special interest is paid for solar energy system and smart control application development
  3. Solar Energy Technology Training In above RDI-areas RETEE team implements joint RDI projects with companies aiming to increase the comprehensive solar energy know-how, as well as to identify and activate new business models on the interface of RE- and ICT- technology.


RETEE-team’s knowledge and experience is acknowledged and utilised in many projects in Satakunta province. RETEE team took part in the public swimming hall project, where solar energy technologies were integrated to the building. Target for the renewable energy group’s research on HAN and HEM system integration is to develop an intelligent, scalable, modular and cost effective measuring and control application to meet the need of intelligent operation and control resulting from the increase in decentralized energy production. RETEE-team has created and maintains the SolarForum-community, where companies, researchers, educators, students and public can get information about solar energy technology and market development.


Meri Olenius
Research team leader
Tel. +358 44 710 3345

Petri Lähde
Tel. +358 44 710 3980

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