Follow-up sites and site presentations
SOLARLEAP Satakunta pilots
Site presentations
City of Pori Environmental Agency
Location: Pori, Finland
In spring 2013, a 21 kW solar PV system was finished on the roof of Pori Environmental Agency annex building. System was installed on the roof during renovation. PV system had to be suitable for the old building and hard to see from the street, so it was installed along the roof. Low angled panels provide excellent yield in midsummer when electricity is used to cool down office spaces.
PV system consists of 84 Satmatic JAM6-250 monocrystalline panels. The panels are connected in six different series, each containing 14 panels. There are two Fronius IG Plus 120V-3 three-phase inverters. Electricity is transferred from the inverters to the buildings electric grid and used primarily by air-conditioning and office equipment. Production data from Pori Enviromental Agency’s photovoltaic system has been collected since 19.9.2013.