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SolarLeap #5 PV system

Location: Pori, Suomi


Situated in Nakkila, some 20 km southwest from Pori, this home of four person has a pretty solid electricity consumption of 2000 kWh/month. This is partly because of a garden pavilion and a swimming pool that require A/C and pumping energy in the summertime. As the customer requested, a 5 kW PV-system was designed to cover part of the electricity consumption. The system was installed parallel to the roof into an inclination angle of 27 degrees and azimuth of 50 degrees west from south. With the optimum angle (42) system would have produced only around 50 kWh more to now estimated 3940 kWh of annual production. The system is built from Fronius 5 kW Symo –inverter and 20 pieces of 250 W Jetion JT 250Ple polycrystalline PV panels.

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