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SOLARLEAP Satakunta pilots
Site presentations
Vatajankosken Sähkö Oy
Location: Pori, Finland
On the roof of Vatajankosken Sähkö office building is a 4.5 kWp photovoltaic system. Produced electricity is used to run ventilation and other systems of the building. The photovoltaic system is also a showcase for PV systems that the company sells.
PV system consists of 18 multicrystalline panels (250 W each) that are connected in series, 5 kW SMA three-phase inverter and SunTub flat roof mounting system. Panels are mounted on the roof towards South South-East inclination 28°. Inverter is located in a technical room behind the panels.
Panels are mounted on to UV-resistant HDPE-plastic fixtures that have a fixed 28° angle. Fixtures are held on place by counterweights which in this case are approx. 3000 kg of concrete stay plates. Panels are on the edge of the roof so they are visible from the ground.
System was commissioned in the end of September 2013. You can follow the production numbers from Sunny Portal.