Ongoing projects
Safety of photovoltaic systems in fire situations
1.1.2020 - 31.12.2021
The project is funded by the Fire Protection Fund and it includes three work packages.
Work package 1 consists of planning the content of the extinguishing exercise and the study material, as well as familiarization with rescue operations. The research environment is designed around the existing Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) photovoltaic system and is used to test various potential scenarios.
In work package 2 a photovoltaic system is installed in fire training environment. The photovoltaic system is supplied by SAMK. After the installation work, a fire-extinguishing exercise is carried out and recorded.
Work package 3 consists of preparing learning material. The material is produced for the training of solar energy system design, electrical safety, building fire regulations, and electrical design and regulations for the university and for rescue personnel for in-service training.
The aim of the project is to produce learning material about a fire situation where the photovoltaic system is not the cause of the fire. The study material is produced for the teaching of photovoltaic systems design, electrical safety and fire regulations at the university, as well as for the training of rescue personnel.
Through the study material, the aim is to make fire safety a part of the design of photovoltaic systems and to take fire safety perspective into account in the design of buildings. In addition, the material aims to broaden the understanding of the behavior of photovoltaic systems in the event of a fire and thus reduce the resulting occupational safety risks.
The indirect goal of the project is to promote the development of electrical safety in photovoltaic systems.
Contact information
Project Manager, Meri Olenius
Intelligently electrifying Satakunta
1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Project examines the establishment of a decentralized energy community and the implementation of the necessary arrangements. Energy communities are widely regarded as one form of sharing economy. However, as a form of activity, it is inconsistent and practices related to energy communities are varied, which also makes the interpretation of legislation difficult. There are various energy community experiments in Finland, which typically aim to utilize the roofs of a block of flats for the production of solar electricity and to distribute the production among the residents. There are three scenarios created in the project in which a decentralized energy community is located in different parts of Satakunta.
The project also looks at the customer-seller interface. Digitalization, in this context the intelligence of the electricity grid, enables new roles in the electricity market. If the customer wishes he can buy or sell electricity, adjust his consumption by reacting to the price. Consumers and small network companies are struggling with the same problem - what can be done and how? The intelligently electrifying Satakunta project develops aggregator functions in Satakunta.
The project offers energy companies, small energy producers, energy consumers and municipalities a new perspective on electricity production, consumption and related service activities. When the project's goals are realized, the services in the sparsely populated area will improve, new business opportunities will be created, the growth of electric transportation will be supported and progress will be made towards a more carbon-neutral Satakunta.
Past projects
Low0 - Low carbon solutions for zero energy buildings
1.1.2017 – 31.12.2018
Finland is preparing to move towards near zero energy buildings due to the Energy Performance of Buildings – directive. It requires all new buildings to be near zero energy buildins (nZEB). As preparation for the directive, the goal is to modify Land Use and Building Act by the beginning of 2017 and the regulations for energy efficiency to be put into operation for all building permits starting from 2018. Construction industry, as well as citizens building new houses, are facing a major change and it has to happen fast. There is no more time to ponder the criteria of a near zero energy building.
Achieving long term climate goals is impossible without major actions in built environment. Execution of the EU directive is one action towards the goals. In order to reach the goals, practical work in creating examples and open models needs to be done. Current meters and calculators for near zero energy buildings are complex and far from user friendly. Also the effects of living life cycle are difficult to determine. Public examples and open information about performed modifications help people to react to coming changes more positively and courageously.
The aim of this project is to produce different models of energy efficiency and building solutions effect on filling the requirement of zero energy buildings and the carbon footprint. In addition to this the aim is to:
- add SMEs awareness of low energy solutions carbon footprint
- create opportunities for new business based on low carbon goals and
- simplify single-family house residents ability to influence in the carbon footprint of the house
In this project, houses being built in Karjaranta 21 living area are modeled and their carbon footprint is calculated. Based on the calculations and models, requirements for these houses to reach zero energy house definition are researched. Also, the effect of these solutions to the e-value and carbon footprint of the houses are calculated. In addition to this, if near zero energy buildings are modeled, the requirements for more cost efficient solutions are researched. While performing these, the use of renewable energy (and its carbon footprint) and digital solutions in energy consumption optimization is researched. From the results of these actions, a simple and user friendly guide about solutions in the construction phase that effect the carbon footprint, is produced. In addition to this, model examples from the modeled houses will be published.
The project promotes transition to low carbon economy and knowhow of zero energy buildings in Satakunta. Modeled solutions help in every step from regional planning to living in a house. For Satakunta region, this project provides boost to new business opportunities in low carbon business.
Project Manager Mari Kujala
Phone: 044-7103277
DEWIL (Device Ecosystem With Infinite Limits)
Aim of the project is to find the business opportunities of a measurement and control system developed in previous projects.
DEWIL is an IoT application which is
- endlessly scalable, modular alternative for measurement systems
- straightforward option for data processing and analyzing systems
- cost effective and easy to use alternative for automation and smart home applications
- versatile option for monitoring and reporting tools
- interface for every device, IoT compatible or not
Based on the listing, it is arguable to say DEWIL can be described with the term Gateway of things.
DEWIL-application will be implemented for the first time in real life circumstances in two proof of concept -executions along with the actions towards commercialization.
The project is done in cooperation with companies.
SOLARLEAP Satakunta: With systematic process into solar energy business
1.1.2015 – 30.6.2017
SOLARLEAP Satakunta is a two and half year (2015-2017) co-operated project between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) and vocational institute Winnova. Project aims to enhance solar energy business in Satakunta region, to unify permit processes of the field and to produce more experts of solar energy. Grass-root level pressure and regional execution joined with unifying of the permit processes aim to speed up the actions pushing the Satakunta region to take the next step in increasing the usage of renewable energy. Simultaneously with SOLARLEAP Satakunta, Turku University of Applied Sciences together with Turku Vocational Institute will carry out SOLARLEAP Varsinais-Suomi which has the same goals in Southwest Finland region. SOLARLEAP projects are a part of the operation of The Consortium of SAMK and Turku University of Applied Sciences, CoastAL. SOLARLEAP Satakunta project is funded by European Regional Development Fund, regional municipalities, SAMK and participating companies.
Solar Training and Bottleneck-Seminar
Solar training is executed in both universities of applied sciences. The training aims in giving knowledge and skills for companies aiming for business in the field of solar energy. Training goes from basics of solar energies and their markets all the way to detailed planning and designing of actual solar energy systems. In the arranged seminar, elements that are slowing down the development of national solar energy markets and changes in the field are widely discussed.
After the solar training, the companies and other involved parties together with the project personnel begin the development workshops on ASSERi. It is a document or documentation tool, which describes an installed solar energy system and the process of execution to the necessary level of details decided in the workshops. Model for the document comes from Germany, where a similar document is in use for photovoltaic systems. ASSERi will do its part in improving the quality of business and gives the necessary information of the solar energy system in one clear and structured document. SAMK coordinates of the development process of ASSERi.
RT Standards File for Solar Energy System Installations
In this project, knowledge of safe and durable solar energy system installations is increased by creating RT Standards files which take into consideration Finnish conditions and building regulations. RT Standards files are commonly used source of knowledge for building professionals. So far there has not been a national nor extensive instruction for installation of solar energy systems. From experiences gained in Germany we know that working without proper instructions can lead to questionable results. Turku University of Applied Sciences coordinates the development process of RT Standards file for solar energy system installations.
Theory to Practice with Pilot Implementations
Studied theory and planned documentation will be tested during the practical pilot site implementations. Different size, mainly building integrated, photovoltaic and solar thermal systems will be implemented in the project. The systems will be designed and installed by companies and educational institutes within Satakunta region. Ten selected household pilots will be implemented by students from SAMK and WinNova. In this case the pilot site owners are responsible of the system investment but receive the planning and installation of the systems from the project. This represents roughly 25-35% of the overall investment.
1.4.2012 – 30.9.2014
SmartSolar is a research project coordinated by SAMK. It is realized in close collaboration with our Finnish as well as European research partners, TEKES and Finnish SMEs. The SmartSolar project is all about smart integration of solar energy systems to the built environment. The project consists of three work packages:
1. Cost effective and modular building automation system with more open interfaces
- Creation of the control functionality of the JDDAC (Java Distributed Data Acquisition and Control) software package in controlling functions of a solar energy system (solar electricity, solar thermal and solar cooling)
- Sensor network technology combined with JDDAC- based measuring and operation system
- An environment for demonstrations for testing this work and the control system created will be built at the Technology and maritime management campus of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences in Pori. Practical testing of functionality of the control system of solar energy systems and storage technology can be performed there
2. Seasonal smart energy storage technology
- Seasonal storage technology in the demonstration environment
- Inverter and power electronics technology
- Algorithms for the optimised operation of the demo-environment
3. Requirements for the solar energy system integration into electricity grid as well as district heating network
- Business models and requirements for operating in Smart Energy Grids environment
- Enhancing the formation of common practices in the energy production markets in Finland
- Supporting the formation of the company value chain in the field of hybrid renewable energy system automation
- Networking
Innovations, Energy, Intelligence, Competitiveness and Collaboration
Goal of the project is to imprint SAMK’s research program as a permanent part of the regions knowledge, innovation and service scheme. The project enables searching, testing, developing and producing new perspectives. After project has ended, a right and permanent way to fulfill the research program has been found. Local business and communities are main partners and utilizers of the research. Project focuses on transferring research know-how to small and medium-sized enterprises.
Project supports operation of SAMK and other higher education units in Pori by connecting know-how from different areas in a creative way. At the same time our project creates prerequisites for new openings and executions of projects with higher risks. The research program is an excellent development tool for Satakunta’s know-how capital and innovation environment.
ENNA – Open innovation platform development
In modern information society, information is no longer a privilege of the few; instead it is available for everyone, all the time. Scattered information and the amount of it have caused a bigger problem. No company or individual has the option or resources to control the amount of relevant information for them. To control the amount and usage of information we need cooperation. Better than individuals (or individual companies), networks can collect, save and process information more efficiently. Another problem in controlling information is contacts, or lack of them. Communities or networks of certain interest are shattered. In addition, it is difficult to tell who has the essential information.
With ENNA, we seek answers to what kind of new joined methods and abilities institutes of higher education and research groups require. We seek answers for how to channel research know-how of higher education institutes to companies and how requirements of companies can be directed to top research units and how all of this can be attached to education.
Following abilities of higher education institutes are being improved in ENNA:
- Focus top know-how to demands of companies
- Link cooperation involved in scientific know-how with companies as part of education
Additional value of ENNA comes from cooperation between different fields of know-how. One extremely potential field, in which all the partners in this project work, is solar energy.
Innovation platforms have a significant role in ENNA. With them, scattered information can be collected to single place where it can be easily shared. Platforms work as a service concept between companies and institutes of higher education. SolarForum Portal is an example of an innovation platform developed in ENNA. Tampere Wear Center (WearForum) and Department of Energy Engineering (EnergyFoorum) at Tampere University of Technology will also get innovation platforms developed in ENNA.
Key aspects in building an open innovation network are seminars and workshops related to innovation. Researches abilities for innovation and companies understanding of open innovation must be increased. Growing amount of information decreases suspicions towards open innovation and makes it easier for companies to join innovation platforms and the networks gained with the platforms.
Partners in ENNA
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Department of Energy and Process Engineering of Tampere University of Technology
Department of Materials Science of Tampere University of Technology
Optoelectronics Research Centre of Tampere University of Technology
Nanoscience Center of Jyväskylä University
Project is coordinated by Hermia Ltd.
1.11.2009 – 30.6.2012
SolarForum project was carried out from 11/09 to 06/12 as an operation and business environment development project. SolarForum was funded by Satakunta Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, POSEK and companies involved in the project. Budget was 380 000€ and it was partially EU funded. During the project, number of companies rose from 5 to 10. Part of the companies involved are located in the neighboring provinces of Satakunta. Companies that have funded SolarForum project are: Luvata Pori, Cupori, Purso, Lemminkäinen Talo, Satmatic, Sermatech, CimSolar, Akvaterm, Bitec and Aurubis Finland.
Actions and achieved goals
1. Public swimming hall
- Designing and development of the solar energy solutions and their measuring and surveillance systems in close co-operation with the SolarForum companies and with the city’s administrators
- SAMK is committed to carry out surveillance of solar energy systems in the public swimming hall for five years and publish it so the general public
2. RDI projects and support
- Companies in the region donated a solar tracking device for SAMK and it was finished to working order by SAMK
- Expert help was given in creating and handling the tendering documents for the photovoltaic system installed in the new public swimming hall
- Expert help was given in the planning and calculation of costs of a photovoltaic system for Pori environmental agency
- Pre-planning (measuring and positioning) of a photovoltaic system to reduce electricity consumption peaks of a restaurant planned to be located in Puuvilla
- During SolarForum project, two financing projects had been implemented and both of them were financed (INNOKE and SmartSolar)
3. Networking and publicity
- Regional, national and international networking was extensive
- Participation in advertising and informing of Pori’s new public swimming hall
- Internationally SolarForum has been presented e.g. in Changzhou University, China and as a guest lecturer in Huelva University, Spain
- Project and solar energy activities have been presented in various different occasions such as seminars and energy saving events
- Close cooperation has been done nationally with various forms, especially with Prizztech Oy
- Two seminars about solar energy were held
4. Business-oriented solar energy training
- Design and installation training and consulting for companies
- In the first phase, knowledge and expertise of the lecturers in solar energy systems, their design, measurements, installation and designing programs was enhanced in SAMK and vocational schools in the area
- In the second phase, solar energy training was given by experts in the staff of SAMK
- a free two-day training in solar heat and also on photovoltaics was held
- Reruns of the two-day trainings were held in SolarForum week
5. Positioning a solar energy product
- Knowledge of solar energy markets and forecasts of their development were gathered from international experts and based on knowledge gained, an attempt was made to position a competitive product for international markets and gather a coalition of companies to further develop it
6. Purchase of professional services
- Purchased knowledge from Bitec for developing remote monitoring system, from Ympäristöenergia Oy for training services and a photovoltaic market research from Photon Consulting
SolarForum – from project to cluster
While starting SolarForum project, an ambitious goal of creating a national solar energy cluster, was set. During the project, structure of the cluster clarified, as well as seriveces of the cluster and finding funding for them. is a part of services for the cluster.
Business from solar energy with complex structure pilots
1.10.2009 – 29.2.2012
Business from solar energy with complex structure pilots -project substantially increased networks of the participants and the knowledge of solar energy technologies and their international markets. Increased knowledge will help participants in solar energy projects in the future.
In every region (Satakunta, Ostrobothnia, Southern Ostrobothnia and Central Finland) of the participants, an outsourced pilot was planned and some of these will be realised. Realised pilot locations are important in research perspective, because monitoring produces important knowledge of the actual functionality of the systems and their energy yields. Pilots are also important for making solar energy more familiar to public. The local government sector has also activated in using solar energy in the city’s buildings. In Pori, the city has included in the instructions that use of solar energy technologies needs to be studied as an energy production technology when planning the city’s own construction projects.
Companies studied in this project were offered possibilities to network and get to know international solar energy markets. Four seminars and workshops were arranged and an extra workshop was arranged in Vaasa for networking between prefabricated house manufacturers and solar energy companies. A trip to Intersolar 2011 in Munich was also arranged. Seminars and workshops attracted a lot of participants interested in solar energy. A group for energy solutions of detached houses was put together and new projects were prepared based on new ideas gathered from workshops. Some of the ideas have realised.
1.1. – 10.6.2009
SataPV project aimed in developing solar electricity in Finland and in Satakunta. Goal of the project was to gather solar energy know-how in Satakunta and in Finland and figure out if there is a possibility to found a solar panel factory in Satakunta as well as a solar power plant that supports educational and research needs.
A factory that produces c-Si solar panels was planned in the project. Almost all sections of the production could be covered with Finnish products and know-how. Manufacturer of cells, glass with low Fe concentra-tion and EVA membrane were not to be found in Finland.
During SataPV project a survey of the participating companies was done. It aimed to sort out the visions about the goals and interest involving the founding of a solar panel factory and a solar power plant. After the survey it was clear that none of the participating companies were ready to take the lead on a possible pv panel factory located in Satakunta. They were all interested in a role as a partner or minor shareholder. In order for the pv panel factory to be founded, a main owner that was ready to take the lead or an owner with little responsibilities was required.
SataPV worked in planning the solar energy system for Pori’s new public swimming hall.
5VTA - Five impressive technology steps towards better competitiveness
The 5VTA project supports the growth potential of food SMEs by providing a pragmatic, five-step model.
The 5VTA project recognizes the importance of small and medium-sized food companies in our society and highlights the needs to improve the competitiveness of the companies in the sector, among others, improving the cost efficiency of production and optimizing the use of energy. The joint project between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences ended in the summer and the results of the project were published on the website in October 2019.
The project focused on the operation, production, degree of automation, energy efficiency, enterprise resource planning and development plans of 21 food SMEs. Based on the information, policies were identified, evaluated and modeled, enabling the SMEs in the sector to leverage new technologies to improve their cost-effectiveness and competitiveness. Finally, a model of five impressive technology steps was developed, which help the companies to begin developing their production.
Vision and Technology Refinery – VTR
1.4.2018 – 30.9.2020
The aim of the project is to combine the know-how and networks of technology areas for future reforms, to provide the necessary tools and skills to renew companies business and creation of new business opportunities.
The VTR project offers companies the opportunity for trial and error based development, where the goal is clear, but in order to achieve the goal, different combinations of technologies must be tried and refined. In this approach information sourced around the world is applied. This operating model has been studied to help the emergence of innovations.
Close co-operation between Satakunta University of Applied Sciences' research groups (automation, welfare-enhancing technologies and intelligent energy solutions) generates multidisciplinary expertise, where the constant interaction of experts enables rapid experimentation and “out of the box” thinking.
The project produces demos based on the latest technology. Demos can be aimed at developing the company's operations as well as product development. From all innovations easy-to-understand material is produced and is published in various open forums to ensure the widest possible utilization.